Friday, 30 September 2011

The Tribal Isles (Getting Started)

Welcome to the Tribal Isles, in this region, you'll meet tons of new breeds and get more powerful weapons and bases.

Before we venture here, we must first have this items:
  • An Ocean Navigation Kit from the S.S. Huntington III. If you don't have it, get it now.
  • An Aqua Base. Luck is essential over here as you'll need to collect lots of loot over here.
To get us started, we'll head to our first location, Cape Clawed.

Cape Clawed
Here in Cape Clawed, the stores all boasts with plenty of weapons, items etc. Just ignore those expensive items for now...

If you saw the General Store, it boasts plenty of Blueprints and crafting items such as:-
  • Thorned Mouse Trap Plans
  • Rhinobot Blueprints
  • Ancient Torn Blueprint Piece
Just ignore them for now. Eventually, you'll have to buy them, but not all at once...

Oh, and try to avoid hunting in Cape Clawed. The mice you find here are worth very low in both points and gold. You're here just to get supplies for our next locations.
    Anyway, in this new region Brie and Swiss doesn't work well. To counter that problem, it's time to introduce a new type of bait know as Gouda cheese! Gouda also costs 600 gold per piece which is quite expensive to some hunters. If you think you don't have enough gold to buy it. Go back to the Catacombs to farm gold and come back later.

    Here in the Tribal Isles, the attraction rate of Gouda is that of Brie in Gnawnia.

    In this island, there are three different locations which are counterparts to each other. To get started, I sorted them out with their tribes:-
    • The Elub Tribe: This mice here gives plenty of points but gives away lesser gold than the other two tribes. The mice here are only weak to Hydro traps.
    • The Nerg Tribe: This tribe gives a balance of both gold and points, but gives off lesser than the other two tribes. The mice in this tribe can only be captured by Tactical weapons.
    • The Derr Tribe: This mice in this tribe gives a huge amount of gold, but gives lesser points compared to the other two tribes. The mice here are only vulnerable to Physical weapons.
    Before you go to one of the three tribes, you should buy some crafting ingredients at the General Store. In the General Store, buy at least:-
    • 100 Coconut Milk
    • 200 Curds and Whey
    • 300 Salt
    The Coconut Milk can be quite expensive, so you can come back later and buy them. For now, let's get started on the tribes.

    Thursday, 29 September 2011

    The Nerg Tribe

    Welcome to the Nerg plains. The mice here give off a balance of both points and gold, but lesser than the other two tribes. Since the Nerg tribe is the weakest among the two tribes, it is recommended to venture here first before heading to the Elub Shore or the Derr Dunes

    The Nerg Plains

    Here in the Nerg Plains, the mice uses the tall grass to ambush their victims! This means that we'll need a Tactical trap to counter their tribe. 

    If you don't have a Limited Edition Tactical traps, arm the Ambush and the Aqua base.

    If you noticed, the mice here all drop a certain loot known as Savoury Vegetables. If you're wondering what they're for, they are essential items needed to craft a special bait know as Gumbo Cheese!


    1x Salt + 15x Coconout Milk + 30x Savoury Vegetables + 90x Curds and 

    = 15 pieces of Gumbo

    1x Salt + 15x Coconout Milk + 30x Savoury Vegetables + 90x Curds and Whey + 5x Magic Essence 
    = 20 pieces of Gumbo

    Before you start hunting with Gumbo, we'd better get you a better weapon. Just simply head down to Cape Clawed and we'll get started....

    The Grandfather
    Now that were in Cape Clawed, it's time to arm your Gumbo. You'll see that you'll attract a certain guy known as the Grandfather mouse. If you've never heard of it, he's the elder of the tribe.

    With the Ambush, you might have a hard time catching him. If you've finally got him, good for you!

    You'll see that it drops a loot known as the Thorned Vine. If you haven't, you've gotta catch him till you have it.

    Once you've finally got the vine, it's time for crafting!

    The Thorned Venus Mouse Trap
    Remember that Mutated Venus Mouse Trap you used at Furoma? Well were gonna recycle it and make something stronger.

    Before you start crafting, we'd better buy the Thorned Mouse Trap Plans at the General Store. To those who still haven't seen the price tag, it costs nearly 550,000 gold and it requires 8,000,000 points to craft it!

    Don't worry though, you can try to save gold while collecting more veges at the Nerg Plains. 

    If you've finally got the blueprints, let's get started!

    1x Venus Mouse Trap Husk + 1x Thorned Vine + Thorned Mouse Trap Plans
    = 1 Thorned Venus Mouse Trap

    Congratulations on crafting the Thorned Venus Mouse Trap. You'll see that it's power has increased and so is its luck!

    However, like the Venus Mouse Trap to Mutated, the Thorned can be upgraded to a more powerful Tactical trap...

    Exactly like when you crafted the Mutated Venus, just smash your new Thorned Venus and add an extra 20 Radioactive Sludge and you've got yourself with an upgraded version of the Thorned Venus, the Horrific Venus Mouse Trap!  

    Horrific Venus Mouse Trap (Tactical)
    Power: 3,400, Power Bonus: 12%, Attraction Bonus: 1%, Luck: 16, Cheese Effect: -
    Although it's stats difference is just a few more power bonus and luck, it's still good enough to handle the Nerg tribe. With this, hunting in the Nerg plains will be much easier.

    The Big Three (Nerg Edition)
    Now with your new Horrific Venus, you should be able collect vegetables more quickly. If you've think you've collected enough Gumbo, arm it at the Nerg Plains and you'll find yourself with the Big Three of the Nerg tribe, the Defender, Slayer and the Nerg Chieftain.

    The big three each drop a special loot known as Yellow Pepper Seeds. However, your main objective is to catch the Chieftain. Once you got him, he'll drop an Ancient Ripped Blueprint Piece. Just continue using your Gumbo and farm for more Pepper Seeds.

    Before you leave the Nerg Plains, just make sure you have these:-
    • An Ancient Ripped Blueprint Piece
    • At least 40 Yellow Pepper Seeds

    Wednesday, 28 September 2011

    The Elub Tribe

    Welcome to the Elub Shore, where everything is blue head to toe! Here, the mice all share a weakness to Hydro traps. The designs of these mice are actually one of my favourites!

    Anyway, let's get started on the Elub Shore.

    The Elub Shore
    In the Elub Shore, the mice gives off alot of points and  a slightly lower amount of gold. As you've know it, the mice here are weak to Hydro Traps, so those who don't have a Limited Edition Hydro trap and haven't bought the Net Cannon or the Harpoon should fork over 664,000 gold and buy them now!

    On my opinion, arm the Net Cannon. The Net Cannon can abuse it's luck with the Aqua base by catching mice and getting more loot.

    You'll see that many of the mice drops a certain loot known as Seashells. Like the Nerg tribe, seashells are used to craft a special bait of the Elub Tribe known as Shell Cheese.

    10x Coconut Milk + 30x Seashell + 40x Salt + 60x Curds and Whey
    = 15 pieces of Shell

    10x Coconut Milk + 5x Magic Essence + 30x Seashell + 40x Salt + 60x Curds and Whey
    =20 pieces of Shell

    If you've crafted enough Shell Cheese, we'd better get to Cape Clawed to craft a better trap.

    The Elderly Elder
    Here in Cape Clawed, using Shell cheese will attract the Elub's elder, the Elder mouse. Like the other tribes, it's good to be patient till you capture this old lady...

    If you've got one, it should drop an item known as the Ancient Spear. This awesome spear is the key to your next weapon!

    Crafting the Ancient Spear
    To craft the Ancient Spear Gun, you'll need to have at least 12,000,000 points. Many Legendary hunters or Heroes don't meet the requirements that fast. A fast way to get points is by hunting at the Elub Shore...

    1x Launcher Parts + 1x Ancient Spear + 1x Ancient Spear Launcher Blueprints
    =1x Ancient Spear Gun

    For the launcher parts, just smash your Harpoon or Net Cannon. The blueprints are bought from the Cape Clawed General store, just costing only 160,000 gold. By now, you should be able to afford that.

    Ancient Spear Gun (Hydro)
    Power: 3,600, Power Bonus: 5%, Attraction Bonus: 10%, Luck: 12, Cheese Effect: Fresh
    This trap looks kinda awesome with that glowing spear. Just use it on the Elub tribe and they shall be brought down to their knees!

    The Big Three (Elub Edition)
    Like the other tribes, the Elub Tribe has three powerful mice that are only attracted to Shell cheese. These three mice are the Champion, Protector and the big boss itself, the Elub Chieftain!

    With the Ancient Spear Gun, you should have no problem taking down the Big Three. You might find that they all drop a certain loot, the Blue Pepper Seed and the Chieftain drops an item called the Ancient Frayed Blueprint Piece.

    Before you leave, make sure you have these:-
    • An Ancient Frayed Blueprint Piece
    • At least 42 Blue Pepper Seeds

    Tuesday, 27 September 2011

    The Derr Tribe

    This section is for those who plan to travel to the Derr Dunes. However, I recommend you to explore the Nerg Plains or Elub Shore first since venturing here could give you quite a hard time.

    The Derr Dunes
    The Derr mice are only weak to Physical traps and give off tons of gold. However, you might not be able to reap their profits as they'll redbox you silly and steal your points, gold and extra pieces of cheese.

    If you used the Ambush at the Lagoon to get the ship blueprints, this means that your strongest Physical trap should be the Swiss Army or the NVMRC. However, these two weapons won't stand a chance in the Derr Dunes. To handle the tough mice of Derr, there are two options for you, unless you have an LE trap in your hands:-
    1. Buy the Digby Drillbot. If you haven't bought it, go to the Town of Digby and buy it now. For those wondering, it costs 405,000 gold. You'll also have to buy the Drillbot later since you'll be upgrading it to the Rhinobot, and then upgraded to the Enraged Rhinobot.
    2.  Craft the Onyx Mallet. This weapon has higher power and luck than the Drillbot. However, the Onyx Mallet is more expensive and cannot be upgraded. In the long run, you're gonna have to buy the Drillbot again to craft the Rhinobot. 
    On my opinion, go for the Drillbot. Buying the Drillbot will save you some extra gold spent on the Mallet and use them to craft the Rhinobot instead.The Onyx Mallet
    This section are for hunters who are persistent to craft the Onyx Mallet. To those hunters who wanted it, good luck getting the items.

    1x Onyx Mallet Blueprints + 12x Onyx Stones + 10x Tiny Platinum Bars
    = Onyx Mallet

    All the items for the Mallet can be obtained in Furoma. The Sensei drops the blueprints. If you've forgotten, you can get Onyx Stones from the Master of the Dojo and the Platinum Bars are from the Training Grounds General Store, costing 60,000 gold each.

    Onyx Mallet (Physical)
    Power: 3,800, Power Bonus: 12%, Attraction Bonus:-, Luck: 6, Cheese Effect: Stale
    Look at the Mallet's stats. Not much of a difference from the Drillbot's eh?

    Delicious Stones
    Now that that's settled, arm you Drillbot/Onyx Mallet with your Aqua base or any other luckier base with Gouda and start hunting in the Derr Dunes. 

    Like in the other two tribes, the Derr mice drop a special loot known as Delicious Stones. Like the other two tribes, it's used to craft a special Derr bait known as Crunchy cheese.

    10x Curds and Whey + 20x Coconut Milk + 30x Delicious Stones + 30x Salt
    = 15 pieces of Crunchy
    10x Curds and Whey + 20x Coconut Milk + 30x Delicious Stones + 30x Salt + 5x Magic Essence
    = 20 pieces of Crunchy

    Now then, farm more Delicious Stones and craft at least 30 pieces of Crunchy Cheese and head to Cape Clawed.

     The Aged Mouse
    Now that you're at Cape Clawed, your objective is to get the elder of the Derr tribe, the Aged mouse. Arm your Drillbot or Onyx Mallet with your Aqua Base and use your Crunchy Cheese to attract it.

    The Aged mouse is not an easy mouse to catch, so be patient for a while.

    Once you've caught it, it should drop a loot known as the Rhino Horn. If you still haven't got it, keep on catching the Aged till you get it.
    Now that you've got yourself a Rhino Horn, it's time to craft the mighty Rhinobot...

    Crafting the Rhinobot
    With the Rhino Horn, you can now craft the Rhinobot. However, the Rhinobot needs a requirement of 16,000,000 points which not many of you have right now. If you still haven't meet the points requirements yet, you can go farm points in the Elub Shore or go to t

    1x Rhinobot Blueprints + 1x Digby Drillbot Parts + 1x Rhino Horn + 24x Stale Super|Brie+
    = 1 Rhinobot

    If you're not sure where to get the blueprints, it's sold at the Cape Clawed General Store at a miserable 940,000 gold. So you'd better go back to the Catacombs and start farming gold.

    For stale Super|Brie+, this could be quite troublesome as Super|Brie has a nearly 100% catch rate nearly everywhere. However, there is a way to make it stale:-

    1. Go to the Catacombs and arm your stalest setup, which should be the ACRoNYM+Explosive and start staling those Super|Brie.

    2. Another way of getting stale Super|Brie is making Runic cheese stale. Just arm Runic cheese outside the Acolyte Realm with your stalest setup and you should see results.

    3. For those who caught the Aged, you'll see that it also drops pieces of stale Super|Brie. You can continue catching him with Crunchy. However, most of you might have limited supplies of Crunchy.

    Finally, smash your Drillbot and combine all the items together to create your mighty weapon!

    Rhinobot (Physical)
    Power: 4,950, Power Bonus:-Attraction Bonus:-, Luck: 8, Cheese Effect: Very Stale
    With this new trap, the mice of Derr won't stand a chance. But why stop there?? Go upgrade your Rhinobot into the Enraged Rhinobot!

    The Enraged Rhinobot
    1x Rhinobot Parts + 6x Tiny Platinum Bars + 48x Stale Super|Brie+
    = 1 Enraged Rhinobot

    This time you're gonna have to fork over 360,000 to buy those 6 expensive Platinum Bars. You'll also need to stale another 48 pieces of Super|Brie after miserably staling 24 pieces.
    Well, we'd better start staling them, this trap is worth it!

    So, smash your Rhinobot and add the stale Super|Brie and Platinum Bars. The outcome, a monster of a trap!

    Enraged Rhinobot (Physical) 
    Power: 5,900, Power Bonus: 10%Attraction Bonus:-, Luck: 20, Cheese Effect: Insanely Stale
    With the sheer power and luck this weapon has, the power of the Derr mice will fall miserably. With this weapon, it is also possible to farm gold in the Derr Dunes. Oh, the wonders this monster brings...

    The Tribal Base
    If you've been busy browsing through the Cape Clawed's Traspsmith, you'll see a base known as the Tribal base.

    Tribal Base  
    Cost: 499,600 gold
    Power: 175, Power Bonus: 18%Attraction Bonus: 2%, Luck: 0
    The Tribal base has some high power bonus. However, if you saw the price tag, it costs a pretty penny. Some of you might have earned enough to buy this base, but some of you might not.

    Before you buy it, many of your Tribal traps should do well enough with the Aqua base. Other than that, you're gonna craft a new base later which costs about 720,000 gold, so it's better to save your gold for later.

    Now that that's settled, you might want to earn back some gold and more Delicious Stones. Thanks to the Enraged, you can now farm gold in the Derr Dunes. If you're not satisfied with your profits, you can always earn your gold in the Catacombs.

    If you think you've got enough Delicious Stones, craft the Crunchy cheese and we'll start hunting for the Derr's Big Three!

    The Big Three (Derr Edition)
    Arm your crunchy here in the Derr Dunes and you'll attract the Big Three, the Guardian, Gladiator and the Derr Chieftain itself. You'll notice that the the big three each drops loot known as Red Pepper Seeds. Your main objective here is to get a Derr Cheiftain. Once you finally got it, it'll drop an Ancient Mangled Blueprint Piece. After getting it, keep on using Crunchy to farm Pepper Seeds and you can take advantage of the high amount of gold they're worth.

    Before you move on, make sure you have:-
    •  the Ancient Mangle Blueprint Piece
    • at least 40 Red Pepper Seeds.

    Monday, 26 September 2011

    The Jungle of Dread

    So, you've finally managed to successfully conquer all the three tribes and you've got yourselves some new and awesome traps eh?

    Before you go hunting in the Jungle of Dread, you'll need these:-
    • Caught yourself the three chieftains of each tribe, along with the blueprint pieces they dropped.
    • Have at least 45 of yellow, green and red pepper seeds.
    • You've ranked up to a Hero. The Jungle of Dread is only accessible to Heroes and above.
    Potted Plants
    (Before you start off hunting, it's best if you read this section first!)

    Now that you've obtained three different seeds, red, blue and yellow. To get a plant, you'll have to add two seeds to a plant pot which can be bought at Cape Clawed.

    However, there'll be six breeds to capture in the Jungle. In other words, we'll need to make "hybrid plants". These different kind of plants can be made by mixing each seed together, such as Red + Yellow = Orange, Blue + Yellow = Green, etc. Just have fun mixing it up. 

    (If you mix all three seeds together, you'll end up with a white pepper plant. Sweet isn't it? Ignore it for now)

    If you've crafted the plants, you can view them in the Special Inventory, in here you can click to "pick" your plants to get peppers. The quantity of peppers are between 1-5 and leaving the plants in your Inventory won't make the quantity of peppers increase!

    The average for the peppers seems to be about 2-3. 

    (Read this before you turn your seeds into Pepper Plants!) 
    As you read the above section, go ahead and make at least 2 of each plant (except for white!).  If you've managed to get at least 6 peppers from 2 plants, good for you. For those who didn't get 6, pick more till you have at least 6 peppers.

    The problem in the Jungle of Dread is that the mice here are super-tough, so it's good to save some seeds instead of using all the seeds to make the same plant. This is so that you avoid wasting too much pepper plants on one bait.

    In conclusion, just craft one batch of each bait. If you run out, only then you craft another batch.

    In the Jungle of Dread, in order to attract the mice, you'll have to use their favourite bait. Don't worry though, the recipes are all same except for their quantities. To make things simple, here's the recipe:-

    1. 6x Creamy Orange Pepper + 6x Salt + 10x Coconut Milk + 18x Curds & Whey 
        = 6 pieces of Creamy Harvati

    2. 6x Crunchy Green Pepper + 6x Salt + 4x Coconut Milk + 18x Curds & Whey 
        = 6 pieces of Crunchy Harvati

    3. 6x Magical Blue Pepper + 6x Salt + 2x Coconut Milk + 18x Curds & Whey 
        = 6 pieces of Magical Harvati

    4. 6x Pungent Purple Pepper + 6x Salt + 8x Coconut Milk + 18x Curds & Whey 
        = 6 pieces of Creamy Harvati

    5. 6x Spicy Red Pepper + 6x Salt + 12x Coconut Milk + 18x Curds & Whey 
        = 6 pieces of Spicy Harvati

    6. 6x Sweet Yellow Pepper + 6x Salt + 6x Coconut Milk + 18x Curds & Whey 
        = 6 pieces of Sweet Harvati

    Technically, the recipe is just the same but with quantity differences. As you saw above, one batch gives you six pieces. So, just craft 1 batch and if it's used up only you can craft another batch.

    If you're planning to go to the Jungle of Dread now, it's better you have a Shadow trap with you. All the mice in the jungle all share a weakness only to Shadow traps, which means the ACRoNYM is practically useless here.

    If you've been following my guide carefully, it means your only current Shadow weapon is the Sinister portal, which is almost as useless.  

    Fortunately, the Cape Clawed Trapsmith sells a good variety of Shadow Traps. Let's take a look:-

    1. Bottomless Grave (Shadow)
    Power: 1,500, Power Bonus:-, Attraction Bonus:-, Luck: 5, Cheese Effect:-
    Cost: 673,630 gold
    Remember this trap from the Town of Digby? Last time you skipped it because you were unable to afford it. Now, would you buy it? Although the Bottomless Grave would do well before. However, with the new Gorgon trap, this poor guy has been completely overshadowed. Just skip it...

    2. Clockapult of Time (Shadow)
    Power: 2,275, Power Bonus: 10%, Attraction Bonus: 5%, Luck: 10, Cheese Effect: Extremely Fresh
    Cost: 2,700,000 gold
    A very powerful Shadow trap. However, 2.7 million gold isn't easily earned by many hunters of Heroes-Knights. The required points is 20,000,000 which isn't available to many Knights.  Thanks to the devs, we've now got an alternative weapon...

    3. Gorgon Trap (Shadow)
    Power: 2,000, Power Bonus: 5%, Attraction Bonus: 5%, Luck: 7, Cheese Effect: Very Stale
    Cost: 989,000 gold
    A good trap. Although at first look it's not that powerful, it's still does fairly well in the Jungle of Dread. It might do well in the Jungle of Dread and gets the job done.

    Conclusion?? Buy the Gorgon. Because you'll be seeing a stronger Shadow trap than the Clockapult later, and the Gorgon can help you save some extra gold. The Gorgon is also a weapon strong enough for the Jungle of Dread.
    Now that you've finally got your trap and bait, we'll enter the Jungle of Dread!

    The Jungle of Dread
    The Big Six
    In the Jungle of Dread, there a six breeds you'll need to catch also known as the "Big Six" which is the Primal, Jurassic, Stonework Warrior, Magma Carrier, Fetid Swamp and the Chitinous

    Even with your Gorgon, the catch rate for each breed is around 20%, so just be patient and you'll eventually get them. You can also use some Prospector's Charms here to increase your catch rate. When caught, each breed will drop a special loot.

    To make things simple, I made a chart to show which bait attracts which mice and what loot they drop:-

    Crafting the Ancient Box
    Finally, after days of sweat and effort, you've caught all the Big 6 and you'll be able to craft a new trap capable of taking down the Acolyte. Do note that this weapon is only for those who have 17,000,000 points and above...

    The Ancient Box Bueprints
    Before you go off crafting the Ancient Box, you'll need to craft the blueprints first! Remember those torn blueprint pieces you got from the three chieftains? Now head to Cape Clawed and buy the Ancient Torn Blueprint Piece and follow this recipe:-

    1x Ancient Frayed Blueprint Piece + 1x Ancient Mangled Blueprint Piece + 1x Ancient Ripped Blueprint Piece + 1x Ancient Torn Blueprint Piece 
    = 1 Ancient Box Trap Blueprints

    1x Ethereal Rope + 1x Encrusted Metal of Time + 1x Timeless Mystic Gem + 1x Ancient Relic Staff + 1x Engraved Solid Stone Slab + 1x Hinge of Eternity +1x Ancient Box Trap Blueprints
    = 1 Ancient Box Trap

    Ancient Box Trap (Forgotten)
    Power: 4,300, Power Bonus: 10%, Attraction Bonus: -, Luck: 4, Cheese Effect: -
    If you seen above, the trap type is Forgotten. This means that you're now ready to hunt the elusive Acolyte.

    Farming Fire Salt
    Another important thing we need to do here in the Jungle of Dread is to farm a special item known as fire salt that you'll need to use later to craft a special bait. You can farm the salt using your remainder cheese after catching the Big Six. About 18 will do it...

    Sunday, 25 September 2011

    Dragon Slaying - Dracano

    Now that you've crafted your Ancient Box, you should go back to the Bristle Woods to get the Acolyte.

    After catching the Acolyte, were now gonna aim for the Dragon Mouse back here in teh Tribal Isles. But how do you stop a fire-breathing mouse? With ice, of course.

    1x Frozen Scroll + 1x High Tension Spring Parts + 60x Runes
    = 1 Ice Maiden

    If you read my Bristle Woods section, you'll see that the Acolyte drops a loot known as the Mysterious Box. Opening one will give you a Frozen Scroll. If you're lucky, it should give you some Runes for your Ice Maiden.

    If not, then you'll just have to farm in the Forbidden Grove, since Runes cannot be traded or sent. So, just be patient and eventually you'll get your 60 Runes and no, were not gonna use them to make more Runic!

    For the High Tension Spring Parts, just head back to Gnawnia and buy the High Tension Spring, then smash it.

    If you're done crafting your items together, you'll end up with this:-
    Ice Maiden (Draconic) 
    Power: 5,200, Power Bonus: 12%Attraction Bonus:-, Luck: 8, Cheese Effect: -
    So far the only Draconic weapon available and the only thing that can capture a dragon. 5,000 power is quite amazing and 8 luck is quite nice.

    Inferno Peppers
    Meanwhile i hope you've still have some spare Pepper Seeds in your Inventory. This time, you'll be combining all three kinds, the red, blue and yellow into one plant. The outcome? a white pepper plant known as an Inferno Pepper plant.

     Like the other pepper plants, plucking the inferno plant will give you Inferno Peppers. Just keep on plucking until you have at least 18 peppers.

    Inferno Harvati:-
    Recipe (6 pieces):-
     6x Inferno Peppers + 16x Coconut Milk + 18x Curds and Whey + 6x Fire Salt

    Now that you have the trap and the bait, you're ready to go to the Dragon's lair, Dracano.

    In Dracano, you'll encounter new types of mice known as Draconic mice, which means only your Ice Maiden. Arm it with your Aqua/Tribal base and you'll do fine. Dracan has a population of only three mice: the Whelpling, Draconic Warden and the Dragon mouse.

    Dracano isn't a bad place to hunt. The Whelpling gives a huge amount of  gold and is an easy catch. The Draconic Warden is a slightly harder catch, but gives high amount of points and the Dragon gives a very huge amount of both. The main problem is that the bait requires some time to get.

    Your main objective here is to catch the Dragon. By now you should know that the Dragon is tough, so you can try using the Prospector's Charm for a better chance of getting the Dragon. If you're unlucky and ran out of bait before getting a dragon, then you'll have to restart the whole cycle again. 

    When I say the whole cycle it means farming for Delicious Stones/Seashells/Vegetables then using them to craft Crunchy/Shell/ Gumbo cheese to farm pepper seeds to farm fire salt to get more Inferno Harvati. Yeah, it's a tough process...

    If you've finally got it, it'll drop a Dragon's Chest. Inside, it has a variety of items from the Tribal Isles. It also has two important loots known as the Zugzwang's Scarf and the Magic Feather. With the Zugzwang's Scarf, you can travel to the Seasonal Garden when you reach the rank Lord!

    Another special loot dropped by all three mice here is the Dragon Ember. With the ember, you can now craft a very powerful base.

    1x Dragon Ember + 200x Scrap Metal + 12x Tiny Platinum Bars
    = 1 Molten Shrapnel Base

    Farming 200 Scrap Metal could take a while since it is quite an uncommon drop in the Catacombs.

    The platinum bars if you remembered, can be bought in the Training Grounds for 60,000 gold per piece. Total all 12 and it costs 720,000 gold. Quite expensive even for a Knight.

    The base's point requirement is 18,000,000. If you still haven't earned enough points, you can craft it later.

    Molten Shrapnel Base
    Power: 300, Power Bonus: 12%Attraction Bonus:5%, Luck: 8, Cheese Effect: Extremely Stale
    The combination of the Monolith Base's power and the luck of the Aqua Base resulted in this base. The only problem is it's extremely stale cheese effect. Other than that, it's quite a good base with a high power, decent attraction and a good amount of luck.
