Thursday, 29 September 2011

The Nerg Tribe

Welcome to the Nerg plains. The mice here give off a balance of both points and gold, but lesser than the other two tribes. Since the Nerg tribe is the weakest among the two tribes, it is recommended to venture here first before heading to the Elub Shore or the Derr Dunes

The Nerg Plains

Here in the Nerg Plains, the mice uses the tall grass to ambush their victims! This means that we'll need a Tactical trap to counter their tribe. 

If you don't have a Limited Edition Tactical traps, arm the Ambush and the Aqua base.

If you noticed, the mice here all drop a certain loot known as Savoury Vegetables. If you're wondering what they're for, they are essential items needed to craft a special bait know as Gumbo Cheese!


1x Salt + 15x Coconout Milk + 30x Savoury Vegetables + 90x Curds and 

= 15 pieces of Gumbo

1x Salt + 15x Coconout Milk + 30x Savoury Vegetables + 90x Curds and Whey + 5x Magic Essence 
= 20 pieces of Gumbo

Before you start hunting with Gumbo, we'd better get you a better weapon. Just simply head down to Cape Clawed and we'll get started....

The Grandfather
Now that were in Cape Clawed, it's time to arm your Gumbo. You'll see that you'll attract a certain guy known as the Grandfather mouse. If you've never heard of it, he's the elder of the tribe.

With the Ambush, you might have a hard time catching him. If you've finally got him, good for you!

You'll see that it drops a loot known as the Thorned Vine. If you haven't, you've gotta catch him till you have it.

Once you've finally got the vine, it's time for crafting!

The Thorned Venus Mouse Trap
Remember that Mutated Venus Mouse Trap you used at Furoma? Well were gonna recycle it and make something stronger.

Before you start crafting, we'd better buy the Thorned Mouse Trap Plans at the General Store. To those who still haven't seen the price tag, it costs nearly 550,000 gold and it requires 8,000,000 points to craft it!

Don't worry though, you can try to save gold while collecting more veges at the Nerg Plains. 

If you've finally got the blueprints, let's get started!

1x Venus Mouse Trap Husk + 1x Thorned Vine + Thorned Mouse Trap Plans
= 1 Thorned Venus Mouse Trap

Congratulations on crafting the Thorned Venus Mouse Trap. You'll see that it's power has increased and so is its luck!

However, like the Venus Mouse Trap to Mutated, the Thorned can be upgraded to a more powerful Tactical trap...

Exactly like when you crafted the Mutated Venus, just smash your new Thorned Venus and add an extra 20 Radioactive Sludge and you've got yourself with an upgraded version of the Thorned Venus, the Horrific Venus Mouse Trap!  

Horrific Venus Mouse Trap (Tactical)
Power: 3,400, Power Bonus: 12%, Attraction Bonus: 1%, Luck: 16, Cheese Effect: -
Although it's stats difference is just a few more power bonus and luck, it's still good enough to handle the Nerg tribe. With this, hunting in the Nerg plains will be much easier.

The Big Three (Nerg Edition)
Now with your new Horrific Venus, you should be able collect vegetables more quickly. If you've think you've collected enough Gumbo, arm it at the Nerg Plains and you'll find yourself with the Big Three of the Nerg tribe, the Defender, Slayer and the Nerg Chieftain.

The big three each drop a special loot known as Yellow Pepper Seeds. However, your main objective is to catch the Chieftain. Once you got him, he'll drop an Ancient Ripped Blueprint Piece. Just continue using your Gumbo and farm for more Pepper Seeds.

Before you leave the Nerg Plains, just make sure you have these:-
  • An Ancient Ripped Blueprint Piece
  • At least 40 Yellow Pepper Seeds
